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Oh my. Oh my. May I suggest you petition your library for a few new DVDs? My recollection of our similar first long car trip with toddler is that we quickly lost our sanctimonious 'never eat at McD's' attitude and began worshipping them for the fresh toy earned at every stop. May the force be with you...good luck!


Good luck mama!!!

Some things that helped immensely last summer for our 9 hour roadtrip with two kids under age 5: those Doodle pro things, Crayola wonder coloring paper and markers, a slinky, and we unleashed a brand new movie on the girls..."Shark Tale."

Oh and snacks. Lots and lots of snacks. Healthy, fully loaded with sugar...anything portable that we could throw at them! ;)


no kidding, good luck! Thank the Lord for dvd players. i do not see how my mom used to do it when we were younger. honestly, i don't.
Have a good trip!


Gotta love those DVD players! I also second the motion for lots of snacks, especially the usually forbidden ones.

Personally, I've never attempted such a long car trip with kids, but anything that helps make it easier can't be all bad.

Have fun!

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