I'm a pro-breastfeeding mother so I've added this button to my sidebar. For more about Facebook's double standard and the newly formed League of Maternal Justice, read Julie's post from yesterday at The Soccer Mom Vote. And if you're so inclined, join us for a virtual nurse-in on Wednesday, October 10, titled the, "Great Virtual Breast Fest of 2007." Details to come later this week on the League of Maternal Justice site.
wow. and to think i just got my account last week.
why does EVERYONE have to suck on some level? WHY?
Posted by: Anne | September 25, 2007 at 04:19 PM
Thanks so much, Colleen. I had no idea; I though Bill Maher was the only idiot of the week on this topic. I haven't bailed on facebook yet; I did join their petition, and think I will try to get the word out amongst my friends there first. Ever the optimist, I'm hoping 24 000 names on a petition (when I joined) will send a message and maybe facebook will tune in. Facebook can SUCK IT!
Posted by: mamasutra | September 25, 2007 at 11:28 PM