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Arkie Mama

omg, you are so close!

so ... give us a belly shot.

I dare you!


Claire was 7 10, so I'm thinking about 8 pounds for baby boy. And like you, I haven't gained quite as much weight as I did the first time (uh, yet), but this baby feels big! I second the request for morphine...


Colleen - Merry Christmas to you and yours - in case I didn't get a chance to say it before the big day (Christmas AND baby boy arrival!)

Here's to a safe and easy delivery! Look forward to checking back and seeing how he turned out! Hopefully not as big as you think! ;-) Good luck, and I will be thinking of you next Thursday!


Wow - you are SO close!!

Good luck next week. FWIW, my seconds c/s was so much easier than the 1st and recovery time was much less. Can't wait to "meet" the little one.


My first was 10 1, but was two-weeks late, emergency c-section. My second, was on my due-date, scheduled c-section and 9 lbs. 10 oz., which was my guess and my doctor's guess. I can't imagine how big he would've been had he gone two-weeks late too.


Mine were both little (7 pounders, approx.), so I can't fully sympathize. As for the nervous stares, though -- as we arrived at the hospital and I had to breathe through a strong contraction before getting out of the car, the greeter with the wheelchair looked mighty nervous. I found out later that they had actually delivered a baby right there on the sidewalk a few months earlier. Thank goodness we didn't; it was January and below zero temps!


Hey...I'm adopting and I keep gaining weight! I think I am up to 15 lbs and I have NO REASON! I just hope it comes off when he comes home. He'll be about 10 months by then and I'll have to keep up with him. :)

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