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Loyal reader

If Waylon waits until he's 36 to tell us we were mostly right, I will be 90 years old. Please encourage him to 'fess up sooner.


I was going to write something sweet about this, but I just saw the commenter above (good ol' dad, I presume?) and now I'm cracking up.

Beautiful comments about your little boy! He and Gage would get along swimmingly!


Awwww . . . That's about all I can type now since my "hold me" baby/toddler has now crawled onto my lap. My two minutes of computer time is UP! :)


This is too sweet...


18,000 baby photos?

That's all???

(Seriously, I bet that when Way is older, he'll love reading all your comments about him, even if he never admits it.

And wait till HE starts blogging!)

Jimmy Buffett Concert

I am certainly excited to see Jimmy this summer in concert. I recently was down in the Florida Keyes and the mood was totally Jimmy. Relax,drink and enjoy.

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