And thank God for that. I can get back to being the pampered princess I usually am instead of the harried head-of-household single parent I've been for the last 12 days. Whew!
I'm not so sure Roger's glad to be back, though. Other than the spectacular anniversary sex we had last night (totally blushing now), I really haven't contributed to the household since he stepped off the plane yesterday. I've been a total slacker, resuming my role of spoiled spouse, while he's jumped right in and assumed his husbandly and fatherly duties without missing a beat.
He cooked Delaney's dinner, gave her a bath and put her to bed. I sipped wine, ate crackers and cheese and read the new issue of Real Simple. After Delaney was down for the night, Roger proceeded to cook our dinner (pork chops, stuffing, peas) and clean it all up afterward (I don't cook so there's not even a possibility of me offering to do that, but I do offer--no, beg him--to let me clean up or at least help, but he always says no.). This morning he got up with Delaney, changed her diaper, trimmed her fingernails (I just can't bring myself to do it!), put the trash and the recyclables out and let the Mathilde out all before heading off to his other full-time job.
But honestly? It's not my fault. Roger's spent the last six years treating me like his queen and, well, if it quacks like a duck... The downside is that during the few trips he takes each year I have to learn how to handle everything by myself all over again, just like I used to in my long-ago days of singledom. Suddenly, I'm the only one there to get up with Delaney if she wakes up in the middle of the night and when she awakes first thing in the morning. The trash, dishes, dogs, laundry, "cooking," shopping and all other duties fall to me.*
And as much as I miss him and him helping me out when he's gone, our time apart, the "distance makes the heart grow fonder" stuff does pay off because I learn to appreciate him and all that he does for us even more.
Last night we talked about the recent passing of our anniversary and the fact that neither or us made a big deal of it. I told him I thought our anniversary should be a big deal but that I didn't make a big deal out of it because I didn't think he would. That's when he said, "I try to make every day a big deal, a special deal." You know what? He does. And that makes me love him even more because he strives to prove his love for us, and he lives his love for us, daily. He does an amazing job.
* I know I've made it out like I'm a total bitch slacker wife most of the time, but I do actually work hard around here and make regular contributions to our family. I take care of Delaney each and every day, I do all of our laundry, most of our grocery shopping, prepare and feed Delaney most of her meals, load and unload the dishwasher, pay the bills and the most daunting task of all: let the maid in and out of the house once every two weeks. Yeah, I'm no slouch. :)
Love Thursday